(영어성서 강좌)

영어혁명 특강 제 39강

好學 2010. 5. 3. 21:20



-정철 선생의 영어혁명 특강 제 39강 참고 자료-

Born Again 1
By Billy Graham

Now when Jesus said this to Nicodemus, Nicodemus was no ordinary person. He was a ruler. He was a senator in the parliament of that day. He was also a theological professor. He fasted two days a week. He spent two hours everyday at the temple in prayer. He tithed all of his income. And most churches would have been glad to have him. But Jesus said, “Nicodemus, that's not enough. You are a senator. Member of the Great Sanhedrin. A powerful man in Jerusalem. You are a theological professor. You have all the outward trappings of a believer and a Christian. But that’s not enough. You must be born again.” And Jesus didn't say, "You ought to be born again." He said, “You’ll have to be born again, if you are to get to the Kingdom.” In other words, Jesus is talking about that it’s easy to profess being a Christian. But it’s a different matter to really know Jesus Christ down in your heart. You must know the Christ of Christianity for yourself. You must be born again.

Born Again 1
By Revd. Billy Graham

Now when Jesus said this / to Nicodemus,
예수님께서 이것을 말씀하셨을 때 / 니고데모에게

Nicodemus was no ordinary person.
니고데모는 평범한 사람이 아니었습니다.

He was a ruler.
그는 통치자였습니다.

He was a senator / in the parliament of that day.
그는 상원 의원이었습니다 / 그 당시의 국회에서

He was also a theological professor.
그는 또한 신학 교수였습니다.

He fasted two days a week.
그는 일주일에 두 번 금식을 했습니다.

He spent two hours / everyday at the temple / in prayer.
그는 두 시간을 보냈습니다 / 매일 성전에서 / 기도로

He tithed / all of his income.
그는 십일조를 했습니다 / 그의 소득 모두에서

And most churches would have been glad / to have him.
대부분의 교회들은 기뻐했을 것입니다 / 그를 가지기를

But Jesus said, / “Nicodemus, that's not enough.
하지만 예수님은 말씀하셨습니다 / 니고데모야, 그것으로 충분하지 않다.

You are a senator.
너는 상원 의원이다

Member of the Great Sanhedrin.
산헤드린 공회의 일원이다.

A powerful man in Jerusalem.
예루살렘에 권세 있는 사람이다.

You are a theological professor.
너는 신학 교수이다.

You have all the outward trappings
너는 모든 외적인 장신구들을 갖추고 있다

of a believer and a Christian.
신자와 그리스도인의

But that’s not enough.
하지만 그것으로 충분하지 않다

You must be born again.”
너는 거듭나야 한다.

And Jesus didn't say,
예수님은 말씀하지 않으셨습니다

"You ought to be born again."
“너는 거듭 나는 게 좋을 거야.”

He said, / “You’ll have to be born again,
그는 말씀하셨습니다, “너는 거듭나야만 할 것이다.”

if you are to get to the Kingdom.”
만약 네가 천국에 들어가려거든

In other words, / Jesus is talking about
다시 말해서, / 예수님은 말씀하고 계십니다

that it’s easy / to profess being a Christian.
쉽다고 / 그리스도인이라고 공언하는 것이

But it’s a different matter
하지만 그것은 다른 문제라고

to really know Jesus Christ / down in your heart.
진정으로 예수 그리스도를 아는 것은 / 당신의 가슴 깊은 곳에

You must know / the Christ of Christianity for yourself.
당신은 아셔야 합니다 / 기독교 본질의 그리스도를 / 당신 스스로

You must be born again.
당신은 거듭나야 합니다.

'(영어성서 강좌)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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