(영어성서 강좌)

대한민국죽은영어살리기 97회

好學 2009. 3. 31. 18:45




대한민국죽은영어살리기 97회 - 영어 설교 듣고 말하기 실습(38)


-정철 선생의 영어혁명 특강 제 97강 참고 자료-

Hope for Wave of Revival 7
By Revd. Rick Warren

Now listen to me very closely. If you want God's blessing on your life, if you want the power of God in your life, and if you want God to use your life, you must care about what God cares about most. And what does God care about most? He wants his lost children found. one  day the famous Catholic bishop, Fulton Sheen went to a leprosy colony. And as he walked in to speak to the lepers, there was one  man laying on the ground
with just a small cloth over him. And this man had many open sores and skins, cancers, and lesions on his body. And Fulton Sheen leaned over to talk to this man. And the chain that he was wearing with the cross broke. And the cross fell into an open sore on the man's leg. Fulton Sheen said he was first revolted, he was disgusted by what he saw and he wanted to step back, but all of a sudden, he was filled with compassion for the man. And he said, "I reached into the sore and I took up the cross." That is what God wants you to do in Korea. He wants you to reach into the sores of life and take up the cross.
That is the finest definition of Christianity I've ever heard. And if we are not caring for people who are hurting, then I doubt our Christianity.

Hope for Wave of Revival 7
By Revd. Rick Warren


Now listen to me / very closely.
자 제 말을 들어보세요 / 주의 집중해서

If you want God's blessing / on your life,

당신이 하나님의 축복을 원한다면 / 당신의 삶에

if you want the power of God / in your life,
당신이 하나님의 능력을 원한다면 / 당신의 삶 속에

and if you want God / to use your life,
그리고 당신이 원한다면 / 하나님이 당신의 삶을 사용하시길

you must care about
당신은 관심을 가져야 합니다

what God cares about most.
하나님이 가장 관심을 가지고 계시는 것에 대하여

And what does God care about most?
하나님은 무엇에 가장 큰 관심을 가지고 계십니까?

He wants / his lost children found.
그 분은 원하십니다 / 그의 잃어버린 자녀들을 찾기를

One day / the famous Catholic bishop,
어느 날 / 유명한 카톨릭 주교,

Fulton Sheen went to a leprosy colony.
풀튼 쉰은 나병 거류지에 갔습니다

And as he walked in / to speak / to the lepers,
그가 걸어 들어갈 때, / 얘기하기 위해 / 나병환자들에게

there was one  man / laying on the ground
한 남자가 있었습니다 / 땅에 누워 있는

with just a small cloth over him.
그저 조그만 천 조각 하나가 그 위에 놓여진 채로

And this man had many open sores
이 남자는 많은 열린 종기

and skins, cancers, and lesions / on his body.
피부병, 암, 상처들이 있었습니다 / 그의 몸에

And Fulton Sheen leaned over / to talk / to this man.
풀튼 쉰은 구부렸습니다 / 말하려고 / 이 남자에게

And the chain that he was wearing / with the cross / broke.

그가 걸고 있던 줄이 / 십자가와 함께 / 끊어졌습니다

And the cross fell / into an open sore / on the man's leg.
그 십자가가 떨어졌습니다 / 그 열린 종기 속으로 / 그 남자의 다리 위에

Fulton Sheen said / he was first revolted,
풀튼 쉰은 말했습니다 / 그는 처음에 혐오스러웠다고

he was disgusted / by what he saw
그는 역겨웠습니다 / 그가 본 것으로

and he wanted to step back,
그는 뒤로 물러 나고 싶었습니다

but all of a sudden,
그런데 갑자기,

he was filled with compassion / for the man.
그는 연민으로 가득 찼습니다 / 그 남자에 대해

And he said, / "I reached / into the sore
그는 말했습니다 / 나는 쭉 뻗었습니다 / 그 상처 속으로

and I took up the cross."
그리고는 그 십자가를 집어 들었습니다

That is what God wants you to do / in Korea.
그것이 하나님께서 당신이 하기를 원하시는 것입니다 / 한국에서

He wants you to reach / into the sores of life
그는 당신이 손을 뻗치기를 원하십니다 / 인생의 상처 속으로

and take up the cross.
그리고는 십자가를 집어 들기를

That is the finest definition / of Christianity
그것이 가장 훌륭한 정의 입니다 / 기독교 정신의

I've ever heard.
내가 지금까지 들어본 중

And if we are not caring / for people
만약 우리가 관심을 갖지 않는다면 / 사람들에 대하여

who are hurting,
아파하고 있는

then I doubt / our Christianity.
그렇다면 나는 의심합니다 / 우리의 기독교 정신을