(영어성서 강좌)

대한민국죽은영어살리기 85회

好學 2009. 4. 14. 08:46



대한민국죽은영어살리기 85회 - 영어 설교 듣고 말하기 실습 (32)



-정철 선생의 영어혁명 특강 제 85강 참고 자료-

Hope for Wave of Revival 1
By Revd. Rick Warren

Tonight is gonna be a turning point in your life. It’s gonna be a turning point in your church. And it’s gonna be a turning point in the nation of Korea. “This turning point will not be by might nor by power but by my spirit.”, says the Lord. Now our theme is "Hope for wave of revival" And one  of the reasons why the church continues to be blessed is because it has the ability to have renewal. God loves to do new things. He is a creator and He is an innovator. And His mercies are new every morning.
In Isaiah forty three, God says this "Forget the former things.
Do not dwell on the past, for I am about to do a brand new thing and see I have already begun. Do you not see it?" Now there are two great questions in life. The first has to do with salvation. The second has to do with the stewardship of your life. one  day God will ask you this question, "What did you do with my son, Jesus Christ?" He won't ask you what denomination you are. He won't ask you all of the good things you did. But He's gonna ask you, "What did you do with my son, Jesus?" It is the second question that I wanna talk to you about tonight. It is the second question that I believe will bring revival again to Korea. It is the question what did you do with what you were given?

Hope for Wave of Revival 1
By Revd. Rick Warren

Tonight is gonna be a turning point / in your life.
오늘밤은 전환점이 될 것입니다 / 당신의 인생에

It’s gonna be a turning point / in your church.
전환점이 될 것입니다 / 당신의 교회에

And it’s gonna be a turning point / in the nation of Korea.
그리고 전환점이 될 것입니다 / 한국이라는 나라에

”This turning point will not be / by might nor by power
"이 전환점은 되지 않을 것이다 / 힘이나 권세로

but by my spirit.", / says the Lord.
나의 신으로만 될 것이다 / 라고 주님이 말씀하십니다

Now our theme / is "Hope for wave of revival"
자 우리의 주제는 / "부흥의 파도를 소망하라”

And one  of the reasons / why the church continues / to be
그 이유들 중의 하나는 / 교회가 지속적으로 / 축복 받아야 하는 것은

is because it has the ability / to have renewal.
그것이 능력을 갖고 있기 때문입니다 / 다시 새롭게 하는

God loves / to do new things.
하나님은 좋아하십니다 / 새로운 일들을 하는 것을

He is a creator
그 분은 창조주이십니다

and He is an innovator.
그 분은 혁신자이십니다

And His mercies are new every morning.
그리고 그 분의 자비하심은 아침마다 매일 새롭습니다

In Isaiah forty three, / God says this
이사야 43장에서, / 하나님은 이것을 말씀하십니다

"Forget the former things.
"이전의 것들은 잊어버려라

Do not dwell on the past,
과거에 집착하지 말아라

for I am about to do / a brand new thing
왜냐하면 나는 할 것이다 / 완전히 새로운 일을

and see / I have already begun.
그리고 보라 / 내가 이미 시작한 것을

Do you not see it?"
그것이 보이지 않느냐?"

Now there are two great questions / in life.
자 두 개의 중요한 질문들이 있습니다 / 인생에는

The first has to do with salvation.
첫 번째 질문은 구원에 관련된 것입니다

The second has to do with / the stewardship of your life.
두 번째 질문은 관련된 것입니다 / 인생의 책무에

One day / God will ask you / this question,
어느 날 / 하나님은 물으실 것입니다 / 이 질문을

"What did you do / with my son, Jesus Christ?"
"너는 어떻게 했느냐 / 내 아들, 예수그리스도를?"

He won't ask you / what denomination you are.
그 분은 묻지 않으실 것입니다 / 당신이 무슨 교단 소속인지

He won't ask you / all of the good things / you did.
그 분은 묻지 않으실 것입니다 / 그 모든 선행들에 관해서 / 당신이 한

But He's gonna ask you,
하지만 그 분은 당신에게 물으실 겁니다

"What did you do / with my son, Jesus?"
너는 어떻게 했느냐 / 내 아들, 예수를?"

It is the second question
두 번째 질문입니다

that I wanna talk to you about tonight.
오늘밤에 내가 당신에게 말하고 싶은 것은

It is the second question
두 번째 질문입니다

that I believe / will bring revival again / to Korea.
내가 믿기에 / 다시 부흥을 가져올 / 한국에

It is the question,
그것은 질문입니다

"what did you do
너는 무엇을 했느냐

with what you were given?"
네가 받은 것을 가지고?"