(영어성서 강좌)

대한민국죽은영어 살리기 71회

好學 2009. 5. 14. 14:46


대한민국죽은영어 살리기 71회 - 영어 설교 듣고 말하기 실습(25)


-정철 선생의 영어혁명 특강 제 71강 참고 자료-

By Revd. Adrian Rogers

The first difference is the difference between beauty and the beast. The difference between beauty and the beast. And I’ve already alluded to this. Women are physically weaker than men. Men are physically stronger than women. Now, God made Adam stronger than he made Eve. He had a physical frame that was stronger. His bones were stronger. His shoulders were broader. Why? What was the job that God Gave to Adam? The job that God gave to Adam was what? Twofold. To dress the garden and keep the garden. Right? So he was to be the provider and the protector. He was the provider and the protector. He had a physical frame that could protect Eve. He had the muscles to dig and chop, and work in the garden. He was that way by divine design. Now, what did God make Eve to be? Well, the word ‘Eve’ means ‘Life giver’. She is the nurturer. And so God made her, her physical body to nurture, to love, to be gentle, to be soft, to be cuddly. That’s what God made her to do. Now, because she is weaker than Adam, that doesn’t mean she is inferior to Adam. Men, understand that God made you not to compete with this woman but to protect her, to care for her, to nurture her, to provide for her.

By Revd. Adrian Rogers

The first difference / is the difference
첫 번째 차이점은 / 바로 그 차이점입니다

between beauty and the beast.
미녀와 야수의

The difference between beauty and the beast.
미녀와 야수의 차이점

And I’ve already alluded to this.
나는 이미 이것을 언급한적이 있습니다

Women are physically weaker / than men.
여자들은 육체적으로 더 약합니다 / 남자들보다

Men are physically stronger / than women.
남자들은 육체적으로 더 강합니다 / 여자들보다

Now, God made Adam stronger
하나님은 아담을 더 강하게 만드셨습니다

than he made Eve.
이브를 만드신 것보다

He had a physical frame
그는 육체적인 골격을 가졌습니다

that was stronger.
더 강한

His bones were stronger.
그의 뼈들은 더 강했습니다

His shoulders were broader.
그의 어깨들은 더 넓었습니다

왜 그럴까요?

What was the job / that God Gave to Adam?
그 일이 무엇입니까 / 하나님이 아담에게 주신

The job that God gave to Adam was what?
하나님이 아담에게 주신 일이 무엇이었습니까?

두 가지입니다

To dress the garden / and keep the garden.
정원을 가꾸는 것과 / 정원을 지키는 것입니다


So he was to be the provider and the protector.
그래서 그는 공급자이며 보호자가 될 것이었습니다.

He was the provider and the protector.
그는 공급자이며 보호자였습니다

He had a physical frame
그는 육체적 골격을 가졌습니다

that could protect Eve.
이브를 보호할 수 있는

He had the muscles / to dig and chop,
그는 근육들을 가지고 있었습니다 / 파고 쪼갤

and work in the garden.
그리고 정원에서 일할 수 있는

He was that way / by divine design.
그는 그렇게 돼있었습니다 / 신성한 설계에 의해

Now, what did God make Eve to be?
자, 하나님이 이브를 무엇이 되라고 만드셨습니까?

Well, the word ‘Eve’ means ‘Life giver’.
이브라는 말은 ‘생명을 주는 자’란 뜻입니다

She is the nurturer.
그녀는 양육자입니다

And so God made her, her physical body
그래서 하나님은 그녀의 신체를 만드셨습니다

to nurture, / to love, / to be gentle, / to be soft, / to be cuddly.
양육하고 / 사랑하고 / 온화하고 / 부드럽고 / 껴안고 싶도록

That’s what God made her to do.
그것이 바로 하나님께서 그녀에게 하라고 만드신 것입니다

Now, because she is weaker / than Adam,
그녀가 더 약하다고 해서 / 아담보다

that doesn’t mean / she is inferior / to Adam.
그것은 의미하지 않습니다 / 그녀가 열등하다고 / 아담보다

Men, / understand that God made you
남자들이여 / 하나님이 당신을 만드신 것을 아십시오

not to compete with this woman
이 여성과 경쟁하는 것이 아니라

but to protect her, / to care for her,
그녀를 보호하고 / 그녀를 돌보고

to nurture her, / to provide for her.
그녀를 양육하고 / 그녀를 부양하도록