(영어성서 강좌)

영어혁명 특강 제 63강

好學 2009. 6. 19. 18:09



-정철 선생의 영어혁명 특강 제 63강 참고 자료-

A Prayer of Jabez 8
By Robert Jeffress

Now, there’s a condition to receiving God’s supernatural blessing in your life. That is you have to ask. Would you notice the cause - effect relationship here? Jabez prayed and then God granted him what he requested. You see the same pattern
in Matthew chapter seven. Look at Matthew seven verse seven.
Notice the requirement. He says, “Ask and then it shall be given to you. That word ‘Ask’ is a Greek participle. It literally means ‘Keep on asking.’ And it shall be given to you. Keep on seeking, and you shall find. Keep on knocking, And then it shall be opened to you.” Listen to me, young people! Satan cannot keep God from answering your prayers. Did you know that? Did you know Satan cannot keep God from answering? But he can keep you from asking And when we fail to ask, we fail to receive. James said, “You have not because you ask not.”

A Prayer of Jabez 8
By Revd. Robert Jeffress

Now, there’s a condition
자, 조건이 하나 있습니다

to receiving God’s supernatural blessing / in your life.
하나님의 초자연적인 축복을 받는데 있어서 / 당신의 삶 속에

That is you have to ask.
그것은 당신이 요청해야만 된다는 것입니다.

Would you notice / the cause - effect relationship here?
유의해서 보시겠습니까 / 여기 인과관계를

Jabez prayed / and then God granted him
야베스는 기도했습니다 / 그랬더니 하나님은 그에게 주셨습니다

what he requested.

그가 요청했던 것을

You see the same pattern
당신은 똑 같은 패턴을 봅니다

in Matthew chapter seven.
마태복음 7장에서

Look at Matthew seven verse seven.
마태복음 7장 7절을 보세요

Notice the requirement.
요구사항을 주목해 보세요

He says, “Ask / and then it shall be given to you.
그 분은 말씀하십니다, “요청하라 / 그러면 그것이 너에게 주어질 것이다

That word ‘Ask’ / is a Greek participle.
그 단어 ‘요청하다’ 는 / 그리스어 분사입니다.

It literally means / “Keep on asking,
그것은 글자 그대로 / ‘계속 요청하라’는 의미입니다

And it shall be given to you.
그러면 그것은 너에게 주어질 것이다

Keep on seeking,
계속 찾으라

and you shall find.
그러면 너는 찾을 것이다

Keep on knocking,
계속 두드려라

And then it shall be opened to you.”
그러면 그것은 너에게 열릴 것이다.”

Listen to me, young people!
제 말을 들어보세요, 젊은이들이여!

Satan cannot keep God
사탄은 하나님을 막을 수 가 없습니다

from answering your prayers.
당신의 기도를 응답하시는 것으로부터

Did you know that?
당신은 그것을 알고 계셨습니까?

Did you know / Satan cannot keep
당신은 알고 계셨습니까 / 사탄은 막을 수 없다는 것을

God from answering?
하나님이 응답하시는 것을

But he can keep you / from asking.
하지만 그는 당신을 막을 수 있습니다 / 요청하는 것을

And when we fail to ask,
우리가 요청하지 못하면

we fail to receive.
우리는 받지 못합니다

James said,
야고보는 말했습니다

“You have not / because you ask not.”
당신은 가지지 못합니다 / 왜냐하면 당신이 요청하지 않기 때문에

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